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Free Religious Freedom and the Common Good Forum Webcast on Feb 24

Religious Freedom and the Common Good: A Forum Webcast organized by the University of the Philippines College of Law, BYU International Center for Law and Religion Studies, and the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy

Thursday, February 24, 2022

9:00-11:00 am Philippine Time

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Zoom meeting link:*

*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Objective: To promote awareness and preservation of religious freedom in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. 

Consistent with their heritage, the people of the Philippines cherish the divine gift of religious freedom espoused in the Constitution.  Even in this dynamic time as the contours of religious liberty are under continuing focus and at times tension, the Philippines continues to honor this important element of its cultural heritage.  At present, no less than our national legislators continue to study best legislative approaches for the continuing preservation of religious freedom under the law.  Whether from the Philippines, or from other neighboring or distant locations, those who attend the forum will leave better informed as to the importance of religious freedom and how effectively to promote the same, with civility and respect, within your respective communities.

The event is open to the general public, with a target audience of students, scholars, opinion leaders, public officials, religious and interfaith leaders and others with a common interest in maintaining religious freedom.

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